Questions and Answers.
So we have compiled a list that is ever growing of helpful questions and answers about your spa or pool. We are here to help and if you can't find the answer you need please feel free to reach out so we can set you on the right path.
Here are some quick do's and do nots to ensure your Spa stays clear and ready to use:
Shower first
Do not put chlorine dispenser in filter housing.
Do not overflow the Spa with too many people.
No glass in Spa.
Children (and adults) should not urinate in Spa.
Do not block the filter housing
Make sure after use that water level is above the filter housing by at least 2 inches.
Are chemicals included in your packages?
Absolutely. We include all chemicals necessary to keep your spa sparkling all season long.
Do you include filters with your packages?
You bet. We include 2 filters each season with the full time package and 1 per season for the owners package. Extra filters can be purchased at a nominal charge if needed although we find this is usually all that is needed.
How often do you change the water?
We include 2 water changes with the full time package and one change per season with the owners package, any additional changes will be charged at our normal rate ($165) if needed. These can be done at the owners request or if we discover the spa is in desperate need of it because, ummm, people sometimes have a little too much fun in there.
Do you provide off season and summer service?
Yes, we most certainly do. This is a flat charge of $289.00 for once per month service for spas that are not in use and an extra $45 dollars per service when needed and on request.
Should I shut down my Spa when not in use?
We hear this one a lot, and the simple answer a no. Leaving any appliance with moving parts and electronic components idle is just asking for disaster and even more so when sitting outside in the elements and below freezing temperatures. From dried out seals in the pump and plumbing to moisture in the spa pack (circuit board and control) there is nothing good that come from this idea other than saving a few dollars in power. When not in use Spas use a minimal amount of energy especially during the summer months. We strongly suggest avoiding this practice.
What happens if my Spa breaks?
Fear not, we do repairs too. The most common components to fail are the Pumps and heating elements. We know how important it is to keep this most valuable resource in your home running smoothly and most repairs can be done in less than 2 days.
Why does my Spa get cloudy even though it has been professionally maintained?
We all the know the rules but we are also all guilty of not always following them. Shower first is the steadfast rule. Body lotions and paste deodorants are the usually culprits and very hard to remove without changing the water. Time can heal this issue in cases but often the only true solution is to dump and fill the spa. This especially applies to sunscreen which leaves a very nasty oil ring around the tub so to speak.
When should we expect you to come by a service?
We generally come by between 9:30am and 4pm Monday to Saturday but provide extra service when things have gone wrong and have to fixed right away. :).
My Spa is not heating up to the set temperature?
There are a couple of things that can cause this issue. Be sure to check your spa has not accidently been put into "Eco" mode. A sign of this is when the control display shows anything but the current temperature. Another primary cause is when the water gets too low and drops below the filter housing inlet causing flow issues.
Our spa was fine yesterday but now it is green?
There are a few things that can cause this including low water level or blocked filter inlet and of course, spilled drinks and I will let you guess the last one. Ultimately this means your PH balance is way out to lunch and needs immediate attention and in most cases a water change.
I tested the chlorine level and it is very high?
Keeping the chlorine level in "check" is an ongoing battle. If the spa has not been used for a few days or more but normally gets heavy use the dispenser is set to allow for the heavy use but when allowed to sit the levels will steadily climb. Unless you are sensitive to chlorine removing the dispenser and a single use of it will drop the levels as fast as they climbed. Just don't forget to put the dispenser back in when it has come down.
I got a rash or itch after using the spa?
This is most likely due the PH balance being out of limits. Hi Ph levels can cause this but so can high chlorine levels for people who have more sensitive skin or are allergic. A quick balance of the spa usually solves this issue.